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Support House > Resources > Peer Resource Hub > Self-Help Resources

Self-Help Resources

This Resource Hub is carefully curated to include the Centre’s resources, and external resources (resources created by others) that we recognize as supportive to the Values of Peer Support. These resources are intended to provide Psychoeducational & Psychosocial opportunities to anyone looking to improve their overall wellness . The Centre has cited and sourced any work that is not our own. The Centre’s own offerings are informed by peer support expertise, and are created by Peer Supporters or in co-creation with individuals who access our peer services. All of the resources in this Resource Hub align with the best practices in peer support and are used within our groups and 1:1 support settings to help assist in improving overall wellness.

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Wellness Tools & Strategies

Mindfulness practices offered by external instructors:

Tara Brach, PD.D, psychologist, author and teacher of meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening:

Arriving in Mindful Presence (1 minute):

Audio Player

Coming Home Breath (15 minutes):

Audio Player


Gentle yoga practices offered by external instructors:

Brahmani Liebman:

Yoga with Adriene:

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